
I imagine you’re here to read some documentation. Congratulations. This is the place where I put notes and documentation I’ve written that doesn’t really seem to fit anywhere else.

Pardon My Dust

This resource is very young. I’m working on building it up over the remainder of my existence. I decided uploading some is better than uploading none. Please be patient with the current state of it.

Formal Methods Docs

I’ve written a bit about formal methods and tools I’ve used.

Property-Directed Reachability

I’m working on a decent tutorial for PDR/IC3.

Subsections of howdy

Subsections of Formal Methods Tools

IVy Installation Notes

These instructions will allow a basic installation of the IVy language and checker. This sequence worked well on a fresh install of Debian 11. Ubuntu 20.04 may come with additional installation steps, some of which are listed at the bottom of this document.

Because this involves strange configurations with Python and other common programs, it may be good to install in a Docker container or virtual machine.

NOTE: It is not the most up-to-date version, but the only version of IVy I’ve been able to get to work recently is a few versions old (it can be installed from the archived microsoft repository, rather than the new kenmcmil or formal-verification-research respository). You’re welcome to try installing the new version, especially if you’re confident you can document the resolution to the errors it produces.


IVy requires a great deal of prerequisites, but they can thankfully all be installed using the following sequence of commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python2 g++ cmake python-ply git python-tk tix pkg-config libssl-dev curl libreadline-dev

IVy relies on python pointing to python2.7 rather than python3, so execute the following to link then check the python command:

sudo ln /usr/bin/python2 /usr/bin/python
python --version

Correct output indicates the version is python2.7.

Installing Pip2 is a bit of a challenge on newer systems, but the following sequence has always worked for me:

curl --output
sudo python
sudo ln /usr/local/bin/pip2 /usr/bin/pip2

Verify the version of pip, it should correspond to python2.7. Then create a link like we did with python2.7.

pip2 --version
sudo ln /usr/local/bin/pip /usr/bin/pip
pip --version

Now let’s take care of the pygraphviz dependency, which is probably more involved than it should be:

sudo apt-get install graphviz graphviz-dev build-essential autoconf libtool pkg-config python-opengl python-pil python-pyrex python-pyside.qtopengl idle-python2.7 qt4-dev-tools qt4-designer libqtgui4 libqtcore4 libqt4-xml libqt4-test libqt4-script libqt4-network libqt4-dbus python-qt4 python-qt4-gl libgle3 python-dev libssl-dev python-dev graphviz libgraphviz-dev pkg-config python-dev build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev      libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev python-pip libpcap-dev libpq-dev build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev cmake libreadline-dev
sudo pip install pygraphviz

Make sure you’re in the folder you’d like to have IVy installed in. If you followed the dedicated VM or Docker advice, this is usually best left in the home directory.

Getting IVy and Submodules

There are three main places you can get IVy from. The current repository is at but you’ll need to take caution if you use it. An old but more reliable repository is at and this is the one we recommend.

Clone the repository ensuring you have the submodule dependencies with the following:

git clone --recurse-submodules 
cd ivy

This will take a long time, and expect warnings but not errors. The last couple of lines should look something like this, but it might change if you choose to install a newer version:

[100%] Built target test-openssl.t
cp -a include/*.h include/picotls ../../ivy/include/
cp -a *.a ../../ivy/lib/

Building and Installing IVy

Next, install IVy using this command, still in the ivy directory:

sudo python install

Testing Installation

You should now have a working installation of IVy. Check it using the following:

cd examples/ivy
ivy_check client_server.ivy

Your output should not produce errors, and it should resemble the following:

   The following properties are assumed initially:
       client_server.ivy: line 6: (no name)

   The following action implementations are present:
       client_server.ivy: line 9: implementation of connect
       client_server.ivy: line 17: implementation of disconnect
       client_server.ivy: line 25: implementation of error

   The following program assertions are treated as assumptions:
       in action disconnect when called from the environment:
           client_server.ivy: line 20: assumption
       in action connect when called from the environment:
           client_server.ivy: line 12: assumption
       in action error when called from the environment:
           client_server.ivy: line 29: assumption


11 July 2022    18 October 2024

Prism API Notes

The following notes are an unofficial documentation for some of the functionality of the PRISM API (in Java). At the time of the creation of this document, there is no known source for official PRISM API documentation.

Let x and other single letters always represent a user-named variable.


Import a few things:

// from PRISM
import prism.Prism; // main PRISM things
import prism.PrismDevNullLog; // Logging
import prism.PrismLog; // Logging
import prism.PrismPrintStreamLog; // Logging
import prism.PrismException; // Exception handling

// from PRISM's parser
import parser.Values; // Parsing state variable values
import parser.ast.Expression; // Handling CSL properties
import parser.ast.ModulesFile; // Importing the model

Create a log called mainLog for PRISM to use:

PrismLog mainLog = new PrismDevNullLog();

Initialize a PRISM simulation engine, where mainLog is of type PrismLog, noting the use of “s” in “initialise:

Prism prism = new Prism(mainLog);

Parse a model from a file, then load the model for checking:

ModulesFile modulesFile = prism.parseModelFile(new File(""));

Load a model into a simulator engine:

SimulatorEngine sim = prism.getSimulator();

Let sim be the SimulatorEngine we created at the previous step.

Initialize a new path, noting the use of “s” in “initialise”.



Let sim be the SimulatorEngine we created at initialization.

The following functions can be called from sim to simulate the model.

Transitions and Probabilities

All of these functions can be found in the PRISM source code. See prism/ for details.

The following returns an int value representing the total number of transitions available at the current simulator state.


Available transitions are assigned and can be located using a numerical index. This index changes at each state. Transition names are stored in PRISM (surrounded by square brackets), so you can use the transition’s name to find the index.

This task relies on this function to get the transition’s name given its index i. It returns a String with the transition’s name in square brackets.


The following loop can help you find the index of the transition given the transition’s name. The value index is the index of the desired transition, and t_name is the transition’s name stored in a String.

int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sim.getNumTransitions(); i++) {
    String s1 = String.format("[%s]", t_name);
    String s2 = sim.getTransitionActionString(i);
    if (s1.equalsIgnoreCase(s2)) {
        index = i;

Of course, transitions also have associated probabilities (for a DTMC) or rates (for a CTMC). The following function returns a double with the probability(DTMC) or the rate (CTMC), where i is the transition index.


It is desirable to find the probability of a transition in a CTMC. From Introduction to the Numerical Solution to Markov Chains page 20:

For an ergodic CTMC the one-step transition probabilities of its EMC, denoted by $s_{ij}$ […] are given by

$$ s_{ij} = \frac{q_{ij}}{\sum_{j\neq i}q_{ij}}, j \neq i $$

$$ s_{ij} = 0, j = i $$

That is, the probability of transition i equals the rate of transition i divided by the sum of all other outgoing transition rates from the current state.

This calculation is implemented using the following loops. The loops remain separate because while the loop indices are identical, the second loop breaks when it finds the index of the state. Some clever manipulation can resolve this, but at the expense of the clarity desired in this document.

// Get the total rate by accumulating all outgoing rates
for (int idx=0; idx < sim.getNumTransitions(); idx++) {
    totalRate += sim.getTransitionProbability(idx);

// Get the index of the transition of interest, as before
for (int idx=0; idx < sim.getNumTransitions(); idx++) {
    String s1 = String.format("[%s]",tr_st[tdx]);
    String s2 = sim.getTransitionActionString(idx);
    if (s1.equalsIgnoreCase(s2)) {
        index = idx;

// Get the rate of the transition of interest
double rate = sim.getTransitionProbability(index);

// Get the probability of the transition to fire
double transition_probability = rate / totalRate;

Once you have selected the transition you desire to fire, it is almost trivial to manually fire the transition, given its index i:


You may need to go back after firing a transition. You can backtrack to a given step i (starting your path at step 0), using this function:


If you are keeping track of a rolling state index j as you walk along a path, you can call it this way to go back to your most recent state:


States and Properties

The following function gets the current state (as a State object):


To get the state variable values from the current state, use the following variable (not function):


This will return an Object array. The Object is often of type Integer or String. To get the value as an int, you can use the following to fill the integer array values with the variable values.

// Get the objects from the state variable values
Object[] varList = sim.getCurrentState().varValues;
// Initialize a new array to store the variables
int[] values = new int[varList.length];
// Loop through the variable list to convert to ints
for (int i = 0; i < varList.length; i++) {
    // Check if Object values is an Integer or a String
    if (templist_c[i] instanceof Integer) {
        values[i] = (Integer) varList[i];
    else if (templist_c[i] instanceof String) {
        values[i] = Integer.parseInt((String) varList[i]);

The indices of state variables do not change at differing states, like transition indices do. If you need to see the name of a state variable at index i, use the following, which returns a String of the variable name.


To parse a property from a string csl_str, the following sequence will create a target state expression target and get the first property it finds from the string. The string is a Boolean condition (such as x > 5)

Expression target = prism.parsePropertiesString(csl_str).getProperty(0);

To evaluate whether a current state satisfies the property, the following function evaluates the Boolean property in Expression target to true or false:


Of course, you can call it on any State object, so if you save a State s and check it later, it looks like this:

State s = sim.getCurrentState()
// many lines of doing interesting things
if (target.evaluateBoolean(s)) // do something

There are a number of additional evaluate functions, but they are not covered here. See prism/ for details in code comments.

Full Path and Termination

The full path can be accessed using the following:


The path can be exported using the following:

    new PrismPrintStreamLog(System.out), true, ",", null

Close PRISM down with the following:


8 June 2022    18 October 2024
Chapter 1


In this section, I have my notes about Property-Directed Reachability.

Children of this page:

To Be Announced



Chapter 3

CRN/VAS Tooling

In this section, I have my notes for some of the things I’m working on, stored in a convenient place.

Children of this page:

Subsections of CRN/VAS Tooling

CRN/VAS input format

This document describes the current status of the CRN/VASS input format.

CRN Semantics

Let a CRN be defined as a tuple $\mathcal{M} = \langle \mathfrak{X}, \mathfrak{R}, s_0 \rangle$ such that:

  • $\mathfrak{R} = { R_1, R_2, \ldots, R_n }$ is the set of $n$ reactions
  • $\mathfrak{X} = { X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_m }$ is a set of $m$ chemical species
  • $s_0$ is the initial state


A species $X_\alpha$ simply represents the name of a species in the CRN.

In the CRN input format, declare species X1 on its own line as follows:

species X1


The count of a species is evaluated at a particular state. That is, states in a CRN are functions that map a vector of species names to a vector of non-negative-integer values (i.e., species counts), formally defined as follows:

Let $s_i: \vec{\mathfrak{X}} \to \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}^m$ be a function that maps each species $X_i \in \mathfrak{X}$ to its corresponding count at state $i$:

$$s_i([X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_m]) = [c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_m]$$

where $c_i \in \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}$ represents the count of species $X_i$ in the state $s_i$.

Programatically, this is often represented by imposing an order $<$ on $\mathfrak{X}$, then storing states as vectors of natural numbers such that the order of species is preserved from state to state.

Denote by $s_0$ the model’s initial state. To describe this state for each species, append an init value to each species’ declaration. For example, to set the initial state value of X1 to 100, adapt the species declaration as follows:

species X1 init 100

A complete model containing $m$ species should appear similar to the following:

species X1 init 100
species X2 init 200
species Xm init 398

In mathematical notation, this matches the description $s_i([X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_m]) = [100, 200, \ldots, 398]$


A reaction is a tuple $R_j = \langle C_j, P_j, \gamma_j \rangle$, where $C_j$ is the consumption vector, $P_j$ is the production vector, and $\gamma_j$ is the constant reaction rate coefficient.

$C_j$ and $P_j$ each map a species $X_i \in \mathfrak{X}$ to the count by which that species should decrease or increase (respectively) after reaction $R_j$ has executed. Programatically, this is often represented by imposing an order $<$ on $\mathfrak{X}$, then storing $C_j$ and $P_j$ as vectors of natural numbers such that the order of species is preserved between all states and reactions.

The net change after reaction $R_j$ executes at state $s_k$ is given by $s_{k+1} = s_k + P_j - C_j$. That is, the final effect after a reaction is found by adding to the produced species and subtracting from the consumed species.

$C_j$ and $P_j$ are separated because $C_j$ acts as a guard on the enabled status of a reaction. It is impossible to have negative species counts, so a reaction is not enabled if any element of $s_k - C_j$ is negative. Formally, the guard for reaction $R_j$ at state $s_k$ is described as follows:

$$ \text{enabled}(R_j, s_k) = \forall ; 0 < i \leq m ; \cdot ; s_k[i] \geq C_j[i] $$

A reaction can include a reaction rate constant, $\gamma_j$, which is described in-depth in related literature.

A reaction is defined over several lines. The first line declares the name of the reaction:

Reaction R1

Following this declaration, all tab- or space-indented lines are assumed to belong to R1. These lines declare $C_j$, $P_j$, and $\gamma_j$. Order of these lines does not matter.

Up to one consume statement per species in $\mathfrak{X}$ is permitted. These statements indicate the name of the species followed by its value in $C_j$, as follows:

  consume X1 1
  consume X2 3
  consume Xm 2

This creates the vector $C_j([X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_m]) = [1, 3, \ldots, 2]$.

Any species without a corresponding consume statement is assumed to correspond to a value of $0$ in $C_j$; that is, there is no need to include a consume statement if a species is not consumed. Further, if the number consumed is 1, it is allowable to omit the number consumed.

Similarly, up to one produce statement per species in $\mathfrak{X}$ is permitted. These statements indicate the name of the species followed by its value in $P_j$, as follows:

  produce X1 1
  produce X2 3
  produce Xm 2

This creates the vector $P_j([X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_m]) = [1, 3, \ldots, 2]$.

Any species without a corresponding produce statement is assumed to correspond to a value of $0$ in $P_j$; that is, there is no need to include a produce statement if a species is not consumed. Further, if the number consumed is 1, it is allowable to omit the number consumed.

The value of $\gamma_j$ is declared with the const keyword, as follows:

  const 0.058

A full reaction is permitted to look like the following (though this code is not as readable as it could be):

reaction R1
  consume X1 2
  produce X2
  consume X3
  const 0.48
  produce X5 1


A target is specified using a standard comparison operation. Specifically, a target is a comparison between the count of a particular species in $\mathfrak{X}$ and a desired value. A target is evaluated as a reachability property.

Up to one target may be specified per model, but this may change as tooling improves. Currently allowed comparison operators are <, >, <=, >=, = or ==, and !=.

The target property is specified using the target keyword on its own line:

target X3 >= 200

Example Files

The following are equivalent example files for the CRN/VASS input format.


species S1 init 100
species S2 init 200
species S3 init 300
target S3 = 340
reaction R1
  consume S1 10
  produce S2 3
  const 0.4
reaction R2
  consume S1 1
  produce S3 1
  const 0.6

Generic VASS

var S1 init 100
var S2 init 200
var S3 init 300
target S3 = 340
transition R1
  decrease S1 10
  increase S2 3
  const 0.4
transition R2
  decrease S1 1
  increase S3 1
  const 0.6

31 October 2024    1 November 2024

Comprehensive Exam Notes


Questions for Kwiatkowska2011 (Stochastic Model Checking)


After further discussion, it is clear that the steady state operator is not equivalent to the transient unbounded until operator. This is because the transient unbounded until operator represents a path probability, and its analysis terminates after reaching a post-until satisfying state. For example, in the following 2-state DTMC, the steady-state (S=?) probability at either state is 1/2, since there is a 50% chance of being in either state in the long run. However, there is a 100% chance to end up in either state within unbounded time steps, so the transient (P=?) probability at either state is 1.

fig fig

Questions for Baier2003 (Model Checking Algorithms)


The formulas are not actually equivalent. Consider a model $\mathcal{M}$ where only the initial state satisfies $\varphi$. That is, $s_0 \models \varphi$, but $\forall i \neq 0 \cdot s_i \not \models \varphi$.

Because $P$ is used to represent the transient probability, if the initial state satisfies $\varphi$, the probability of reaching a state satisfying $\varphi$ is 1. In other words, $\mathcal{M} \models P_{\geq 1}(\varphi)$, and the CSL formula holds.

The CTL formula, however, requires that for all paths starting at $s_0$, $\varphi$ must hold. If only $s_0$ satisfies $\varphi$, then the model transitions to a state not satisfying $\varphi$, $\mathcal{M} \not \models \forall \varphi$.

This state space is a counterexample to the claim $\mathcal{M} \models \forall \varphi \iff \mathcal{M} \models P_{\geq 1}(\varphi)$, so the claim is not true.


Consider by contradiction that $s \models \Phi$ is sufficient for Case 3. This creates the following problems:

  • The glaring problem is that there would be ambiguity between Case 2 and Case 3. If $s \models \Phi \land \lnot \Psi$, it is not clear whether Case 2 or Case 3 should be selected. Because of the inclusion of the exponential function in Case 3, the formulas are not equivalent, and this creates a conflict in the evaluation of the formula.
  • Neglecting ambiguity, if Case 3 were to be applied when $s \models \Phi \land \lnot \Psi$, we would erroneously be including the exponential function, representing the probability of staying in a pre-until state for $x$ time units, where $x \leq a$.

Questions for Batz2020 (PrIC3)


My slides and other details are available at

In response to the clarifying questions:

A frame $F_k$ (assuming we’re discussing traditional PDR for Boolean systems) is a set of clauses representing an overapproximation of all the states that can be reached in $k$ steps. For example, the formula for frame $F_3$ includes all states reachable from an initial state in $3$ steps. A frame is constructed by the following:

  1. Overapproximate the reachable area, potentially by setting frame $F_k$’s formula to $\texttt{true}$ to include all states.
  2. Attempt to “block” bad states by excluding them in the formula for $F_k$. For example, if a bad state is represented by $x \lor y$, the new formula may be $\texttt{true} \land \lnot (x \lor y)$.
  3. Perform single-step invariant checking on the new formula (i.e., check one step from $F_{k-1}$ to $F_k$. If the model can reach the blocked region in $F_k$ from $F_{k-1}$, recursively go back to $F_{k-1}$ to attempt blocking bad states, until reaching $F_0$.
  4. If at $F_0$, you cannot block regions that eventually lead to a bad state, the bad state is reachable, and it is possible to provide a counterexample to the user.
  5. Keep adding frames representing one additional step in the transition system. If the last two frames become identical after attempting to block regions that reach bad states, we know that we have explored the entirety of the reachable state space (i.e., we know that we cannot take one step to reach any state outside the un-blocked regions). The final overapproximation of the reachable states is returned to the user as an inductive invariant, which proves the bad states are unreachable.

Current Research

I’m focused on 3 main topics right now:

State Representation. We recently submitted a paper to CAV proposing the use of a prefix tree to save memory in very large explicit state spaces for probabilistic model checking.

Provably correct Rust tool implementations. We are implementing our group’s tools (including Ragtimer, Wayfarer, and Stamina) in Rust in a provably correct way. We have seen promising results after implementing a dependency graph for VAS analysis.

Applications of SMT & PDR for probabilistic models. We’ve been using BMC to find potential bounds for variables (to reduce the size of state spaces). We are curious about the potential to use PDR methods to approximate probabilities for regions of a state space for CTMCs, to help with the intractibly large state space problem.